Terms and Conditions




Cancellation Terms

Cancellations notified more than 24 hours prior to a fitting appointment:

  • fitting appointment can be rescheduled and payment already made will transfer to the rescheduled appointment; or
  • fee is fully refundable

Cancellations notified less than 24 hours prior to a fitting appointment:

  • fitting appointment can be rescheduled and payment already made will transfer to the rescheduled appointment
  • fitting fee will be charged and is non-refundable

Payment Terms

Club fitting sessions booked through a Cool Clubs representative must be paid for prior to commencing the fitting session. (NB: Cancellation Terms apply, refer above).

All repairs once completed must be paid for at the time you collect your golf club or clubs.


All orders for clubs must be paid for at the time of placing an order. We cannot commence building bespoke clubs until payment has been received.

In the event of any dispute arising it will be dealt with under Queensland jurisdiction and relevant legislation.

In using our services, you attest that you:
– have had sufficient opportunity to access these Terms & Conditions and have contacted us with any questions; and
– have read, accepted and will comply with our Terms & Conditions; and
– are 18 years or older.



Cancellation Terms


  • Custom Clubs cannot be cancelled once ordered
  • Stock Clubs will incur a 10% handling fee to cancel if they have not been received.


Payment Terms – Services and Goods


Cancellation Terms

  • Club fitting sessions booked online must be paid for at the time of booking (NB: Cancellation terms apply – refer above).
  • Club fittings sessions booked through a Cool Clubs representative must be paid for prior to commencing the fitting session (NB: Cancellation Terms apply – refer above).
  • All repairs once completed must be paid for at the time you collect your golf club or clubs.


Payment Terms

  • All orders for clubs must be paid for at the time of placing an order. Cool Clubs cannot commence building bespoke clubs until payment has been received and the transaction is completed.
  • In the event of any dispute arising it will be dealt with under Queensland jurisdiction.
  • All repairs once completed must be paid for at the time you collect your golf club or clubs.


In using our Services, you attest that you:
– have had sufficient opportunity to access these Terms & Conditions and contact us; and
– have read, accepted and will comply with our Terms & Conditions; and – are 18 years or older.

With Cool Clubs, those who improve…


Improve by 1-5 yards


Improve by 6-10 yards


Improve by 11-20+ yards